Sutekno Dev. Team


1. good technology
From a Sanskrit prefix su- means "good" and a Greek origin word téchnē means "technology".

2. coffee-machine
The term good technology is often used to refer a coffee-machine by some groups

3. good systems
Various good systems developed by a good team powered by a coffee-machine (coerced)


Sanskrit सु (su) ➔ Old Java, Dutch Orthography (su, soe) ➔ Indonesian (su).

Greek (téchnē) ➔ English (techno) ➔ Indonesian (tekno).

Why are you here? we're just a bunch of programmers who love codes, games, and coffee... We buy the coffee beans, and that is our own coffee machine too... so,

why always us?

Heru Margowiyonoanalyst, programmer, gamer2012 -
Daniel Kurniawananalyst, programmer, gamer2012 -
Rudyantoanalyst, tester, implementor, gamer2014 -
Bhekti Sulistiyoprogrammer, trader, risk-taker, gamer2014 - 2019
Wiwik Dyah Septiana Kurniatitester, implementor, secretary, treasurer2015 - 2020
Teguh Iman Ramadhanprogrammer, gamer2015 - 2016, 2019
Yana Pudya Tarehthaprogrammer2015 - 2016
Reza Kusumahprogrammer2016 - 2019
Haryo Triwardhonoprogrammer2018 - 2018
Mukhlis Wicaksonoprogrammer2019 -
Immanuel Saragihprogrammer2019 -
Rohimamprogrammer2019 -
Novi Nurkhaenitester2022 -

of course, we were there...

Product Hierarchy (2012)implemented
Kompas Kampus (2013)implemented
Estoc War Session 1 [Kingdoms at War] with 'Perkutut Army'Runner Up
Mudaers (2013)implemented
Estoc War Session 2 [Kingdoms at War] with 'Perkutut Army'Runner Up
Kompas Anak (2013)implemented
Bali Bike (2013)implemented
Sisca Keagenan (2014)implemented
Estoc War Session 4 [Kingdoms at War] with 'Mini Mooncake'World Champion (2014)implemented (2015)implemented
Marcomm BP, Call Center (2016)half-done, switched, partially implemented
FastKom (2016) formerly "Sutekno"implemented
Jasatama Subscription (2018)3mo progress, cancelled! f***
GMMS (2019)implemented
Fina (2021)partially implemented

from 2017 onward we named ourself Sutekno Dev. Team


You found nothing here... you can go back home now... stop whinning and do something!

Those who do nothing make no mistakes.
Those who do nothing cry the loudest.